RETROPIE scripts...

RETROPIE scripts...

Posted on 29th Dec 2024

Here you will find some script for specifically been used in Retropie. I made them, cause i always finding my self, looking for the these functions that Retropie didn't have. But, lucky us, Retropie can be customized and you can add, whatever script, to make it even better. This page will be updated...

Fullscreen DOSBOX in square screen // Hackberry Pi

Fullscreen DOSBOX in square screen // Hackberry Pi

Posted on 29th Dec 2024

Making DOSBOX full screen isn't too hard, but making it full screen in a square screen it is. After multiple tries, i found a way to do so and also in my Hackberry Pi, which uses a 720x720 LCD screen. The following guide is for use with a Hackberry Pi, under plain terminal/TTY. Before doing so, u...

Whiptail Orange theme...

Whiptail Orange theme...

Posted on 27th Dec 2024

This is a theme for the whiptail linux tool, that creates menus in the terminal. It's similar to dialog. I made it for a project of mine, but because there aren't many themes out there, i share it for anyone who might find it useful. whiptail doesn't have a config file for its colors. You hav...

Trackpad to Keyboard emulation (Hackberry Pi)

Trackpad to Keyboard emulation (Hackberry Pi)

Posted on 26th Dec 2024

As you may know, i have a Hackberry Pi, which has a trackpad. The trackpad it self, is excellent to use in GUI but it has no use at plain TTY terminal, which is what i use most, while operating the Hackberry. So, i had to found a way, to emulate the trackpad movements into keyboard keys, to use in...

Mini fzf media launcher (file explorer)

Mini fzf media launcher (file explorer)

Posted on 25th Dec 2024

Below is a small media launcher for Linux/BASH, using, as always fzf :) You can use it to navigate, through directories and select media files to launch with your favorite media player. Of course the script can accept many improvements and it's only basic, but i am leaving this to you, as i wanted...