Launch ISO ROMs from file manager Linux/Ubuntu

Launch ISO ROMs from file manager Linux/Ubuntu

Customize your file manager to launch an emulator when you double click an ISO file. Normally, double clicking an ISO file opens a file archive program which is useless!

This way we can use our file manager as a very easy way to launch ROMs and our favorite emulators, with just a double click, thus making it something like a front end. The script needs the isoinfo utility installed on your system and any emulator or the script it self to be in a dir. that is in the PATH environment of your system.

Read the script and customize it. It uses simple BASH commands. It just checks to see if the ISO file is inside a specific directory and if so, launches the emulator with the appropriate command. The script expects to have a directory tree like:

  + roms 
  + roms
  + roms

# Commands
CMD_BURN="xfburn -i $1"
CMD_XBOX="xemu -dvd_path $1"
CMD_PS2="pcsx2-qt $1"

case "$1" in 
  *xbox/roms*)  # if iso file is in xbox folder
    echo "Launching XBOX Emulator"
  *ps2/roms*) # if iso is in ps2 folder
    echo "Launching PS2 Emulator"
  *) # otherwise, give us some options!
   reply="$(zenity --list \
  --title "Select what to do..." \
  --column "Actions" \
  --height=300 \
  "List" "Info" "Burn"  "Erase")"

    case "$reply" in
      Burn) $CMD_BURN
      List) isoinfo -l -i "$1" | zenity --text-info --title "File list of $(basename $1)" 
      Info) isoinfo -d -i "$1" | zenity --text-info --title "Info for $(basename $1)" 
        if zenity --question --title "Warning!" --width=300 --text="Are you sure to erase file?"; then
          zenity --info --text="You pressed \"Yes\"!"

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