In Greece we use also the GGRS87/ΕΓΣΑ87 coordinate system and it's a pain in the ass to convert the coordinates to WGS84, which is the standard now days. So i built a small script using YAD and cs2cs utility, from PROJ .
I used a GUI like YAD, because most of the time, i have to copy/paste the coordinates from other applications, like the browser. So making a terminal version of it, wouldn't be so useful. For sure, it can be made for terminal also. It's easy to use. Just paste the coordinates, chose how you want to convert them and the script will give you the conversion result.
Don't forget to install cs2cs/proj...

export RESULT=""
function error() {
yad --center --title=" Error " --width=500 --borders=15 --fixed --window-icon="gtk-dialog-error" --text="<span font= \"14\" >\nError in inserted value [$1]. \n\nTry Again. \n</span>" --button="gtk-close:1"
function showres() {
yad --form \
--center --title=" Conversion Result " --width=500 --borders=15 --fixed --window-icon="gtk-dialog-error" \
--button="gtk-close:1" \
--field="Result:" "$@"\
RESULT=$(yad --form \
--title="Coordinates Converter" \
--center \
--window-icon="application-x-addon" \
--button="Convert!gtk-ok:0" --button="gtk-close:1" \
--width=500 \
--field="Convert From:CB" 'GGRS87!WGS84!UTM zone 34N' \
--field="Longitude:" ''\
--field="Latitude:" '' \
--field="Convert To:CB" 'WGS84!GGRS87!UTM zone 34N' \
--field="Result in Decimal:CHK")
[[ $ret -eq 1 ]] && exit 0
from=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d'|' -f1)
long=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d'|' -f2)
lat=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d'|' -f3)
to=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d'|' -f4)
dec=$(echo $RESULT | cut -d'|' -f5)
if [ -z "$from" ]; then
error "FROM field"
if [ -z "$lat" ]; then
error "LATITUDE field"
if [ -z "$long" ]; then
error "LONGITUDE field"
if [ -z "$from" ]; then
error "TO field"
case $from in
WGS84) ft=4326 ;;
GGRS87) ft=2100 ;;
"UTM zone 34N") ft=23034;;
case $to in
WGS84) tt=4326 ;;
GGRS87) tt=2100 ;;
"UTM zone 34N") tt=23034;;
if [ $dec == "FALSE" ]; then
conv=$(echo "$lat $long" | cs2cs +init=epsg:$ft +to +init=epsg:$tt)
conv=$(echo "$lat $long" | cs2cs +init=epsg:$ft +to +init=epsg:$tt -d 8)
showres "$conv"