

Here i will gather useful information about Retropie and EmulationStation, like scripts, images, themes etc. Mainly my own stuff or things that are useful, so don't expect to find everything here. The page will be updated constantly.


XQTRs Retropie Scripts


These are some BASH scripts i have write for Retropie, read the blog post for more information.


Orange tinted buttons/icons for emulation station


In some dark themes, i prefer to use another color, instead of white for EmulationStation icons. So i made my own, with which i replace the original ones from the selected theme. Also i switched the icons for the A,B,X,Y buttons with the ones that show the place of each button North, East, South, West, cause are more "logical" to me, particularly when you use a gamepad, with different button icons/letters. To use, download the file and extract the contents inside this folder: /opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/resources


Splash screen


A splash screen, specifically for the Hackberry device, which uses a rectangular screen 720x720.

RetroAmber Theme

An 8bit arcade style, in orange/amber colors, i made for my needs. More here: RetroAmber Theme